Over the years, companies have learned to adapt with the trends and embrace the endless approaches to marketing that technology offers.
But you may be surprised to learn that approximately 27 million business cards are still produced every day. These timeless 3.5 X 2 inch pieces of magic, have not lost their place in the marketing industry.
For every 2,000 cards a company hands out, their sales increase by2.5%. It is hard to deny the stats that prove, if done creatively, these cost effective marketing tools can leave a lasting impact.
7 Reasons Your Brand Should Use Business Cards
Digital marketing has a way of reaching a broader audience.Despite the many benefits of this approach, there are aspects of a business card it can never replace.
1. Business Cards Are Personal
Networking requires genuine connections.
When you send your contact information through email or on your website, you don't get to know the person on the other end. In exchanging a business card, there's eye contact and verbal interaction that can help the relationship grow.
Typing away behind your computer won’t help you create any memorable encounters with your potential clients. Business cards also help you create a great first impression.
Depending on its quality, your brand will come across as exquisite, prompting a potential client to interact with you more.
Creatively done, business cards make your brand tangible. A person does not just read the card but visualizes and senses your business.
The texture, dimensions, and look of the card send a silent message about your brand.
For example, raised cards exhibit a feeling of luxury, thickercards denote an air of experience. Whatever the message you want to convey, the look of your card can express it.
2. They Are Direct Marketing Tools
A business card may not tell the whole story about your company,but it will present an image your clients will remember. Its presentation can make or break a deal.
Choose a card style that reflects your business values, theindustry, and personal style. You never know when the person beside you in the airport lounge could become a client. Whether you find yourself at a tradeshow,conference, or during your happy hour, do not miss the chance to market yourself.
But, you cannot hand out a card you do not have. Keep them with you at all times.
3. They are Affordable
Although there are many choices of marketing items you could use, businesscards are among the most cost effective.
If you’re a small business owner on a tight budget, they offer an affordable marketing option. Having them printed in bulk gives you even more value for your money.
Fight the urge to save even more by producing your own business cards. There’s nothing like that professional touch to set your brand above the rest. Source this one to the experts who can offer you a variety of printing options to help you create the best card to meet your needs.

4. Versatility
A card conveys the most important information about your business.If a customer wants to call or visit, they can quickly get this information from the card.
It comes in handy when they're not in a position to access your website.
You can even modify your business card to include a link to your homepage. For clients who don’t want to call or send an email, they can find all the information they need on this page.
As a tip, include an introductory video about your company.
Business cards are also easy to carry around. Their small size makes them convenient for a purse, wallet, or pocket. Stick them on bulletin boards,store counters or enclose them in a letter.
5. The Card Shows Credibility
A card that encompasses your personal information represents trustworthiness. Attaching the business name and number puts the reputation to the test. Once you’ve issued the cards, it’s up to you to prove that you can live above the standards the card represents.
It shows that you and your firm are honest, reliable, andbusiness-minded. To miss the chance to use them in a formal interaction lowers your chances of being remembered when the conversation is over.
6. Creative Business Cards Change Hands Fast
When you hand out a business card, your brand stays with the recipient.
You create an encounter that might be passed on from one person to another. A creative business card makes an impression that makes the personwant to share with like minds.
As the card changes hands, the marketing of your business continues. This puts your brand at the forefront of the minds of otherprospects.
7. They Show Your Preparedness
A business card beats a scribbled name and number any day. When you hand a potential client your card, it shows them that you are always prepared and professional. Not to mention, an actual card is easier to keep up with than a scribbled note.
Final Thoughts
So, don’t buy into the thinking that digital marketing is always better. The professional business card has stood the test of time, and been a contributing factor in generating new business and new clients for numerous brands.
Since they're cost-effective, they are an easy add to your budget.They are useful tools that help you have a personal touch with potential leads.Well-done cards portray your business and industry image, giving clients the confidence to trust you.
To remain ahead of the competition and create a place in the minds of clients, be creative with your cards. Remember that you also never know when you’re going to meet prospects.
Business cards show that you’re ready for business, always and anywhere. If you have any questions about custom marketing products, feel free to contact us.