Why Buying Local is Better
Here at Flywheel, we’re big fans of local businesses, seeing as we’re one ourselves. But why should you care about local businesses? In today's world, it gets easier every day to get a product to your door in no time, but let’s be real, the quality isn’t always up to par with what we expect. Local businesses can keep quality higher than big businesses can because it’s much easier to maintain quality throughout the entire product production cycle. Flywheel stays hands-on for each step of your branding journey! But not only are local businesses often more hands-on, but a lot of them also pour back into their communities.
Me Like Brand, BrandGood
Here at Flywheel, we believe in BrandGood. No, that's not neanderthal talk, it’s a commitment! BrandGood is “the outcome when we join together for the greater good of community engagement and lift.” Ourselves and other members of Reciprocity Road have committed to serving and pouring back into the communities we’re a part of. Flywheel has been working with Chattanooga Foodbank and the Chattanooga Community Fridge to help give back to our community. We don’t want to be a company that sits on the sidelines as we say, “Man, I wish someone would help out.” We want to be an agent for change in the Chattanooga area!
A Fresher Way to Buy
Staying “fresh” is incredibly important, whether you’re a company like us, the produce at the grocery store, or getting ready for your senior prom! And what is fresher than the offerings at your local farmers' market? Farmers' markets are a great way to buy local and will offer produce that is in season. Seasonal produce has a lot of advantages over what you’ll find in your traditional grocery store; it has a higher nutritional value, it’s often cheaper, it tastes better, and seasonal produce aligns with the body's seasonal nutritional needs. If you’re an allergy sufferer, local honey will give you an immune boost against pesky pollen and hay particles! A quick Google search will help you easily find local businesses in your area and can help you start your “Buy Local” journey in no time; if you’re in the Chattanooga area like us, the Chattanooga Market is every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April through December at the First Horizon Pavilion.